Health and Safety

Dear Member

At the last NEC meeting in Fenruary 2002, the committee decided that, as an organisation, we must formulate proposals for Health and Safety issues. As a result, I am currently working on two documents. The first is a policy statement as required by external bodies. This, in effect, tells everyone else what approach we take to safety issues. The second document, which will probably turn out to be quite substantial, is a set of guidance notes for members.

It is a sign of the times, unfortunately, but we cannot ignore the issues raised. With the litigation crazy US influencing us, we must be prepared. The committee have the duty of preparing sufficient information for the teams to be aware of the issues. It will be mandatory for teams to observe the guidance notes when in an official capacity. There may be some items that teams may take issue with, but please understand that the guidance that we will give to you is what the law requires.

In the meantime, teams should be aware of potential dangers while on duty, such as battery charging, trips hazards like aerial guide ropes and the like, and take steps to minimise hazards where ever possible.

When the guidance notes are prepared, each member will be sent a copy, and they will be required to sign to say they have read and understand them. The documents will also be available on the website.

Please, will any team who has a visually impaired member, please make me aware.

Maurice Pinner