REVCOM Mailing Lists

REVCOM has a number of mailing lists that it uses to keep in touch with everybody. The mailing list manager is available at From here you can subscribe, unsubscribe, and update your mail preferences. The mailing lists are managed by Mailman so anyone who is used to this package will have no problems.

There is also an archive facility for each of the mailing lists, so past message can be searched. To access these archives, go to the list manager, select the appropriate mailing list and then select the archive. To view an archive for a list, you must be subscribed to that list, and you will need your password.

However, as all of the mailing lists are only open to REVCOM members, subscriptions to any of the mailing lists have to be approved by the I.T.Administrator. This means that if you use the normal subscription procedure, there will be a delay while I confirm that you are who you say you are. To make life easier for you, I have included the form below, which should simplify the process and also speed things up.


The REVCOM-Announce mailing list is a moderated low-volume mailing list. The main purpose of this list is to allow the NEC to communicate directly to members. The idea is that this list should be so low-volume, that even if people don't want to receive lorry-loads of messages, they can still subscribe to this list. Non-NEC members could post to this list, but only at the discression of the moderator. Replies to posts on this list also go to the moderator.

If you do not subscribe to any other list, please subscribe to this one.


The Members list is a general purpose discussion list. Any member of REVCOM can be on this list, and anyone on the list can post a message. The purpose of this list is to allow members to discuss with each other anything remotely REVCOM orientated (or not).


Magazine list is a read-only list for any REVCOM member to subscribe to if they wish to receive a copy of the REVCOM magazine by email.


NEC mailing list is only for members of the NEC, and Regional Liason Officers. The purpose of this list is to enable the NEC and RLO's to keep in touch with each other between meetings.


YRC list has been set up with exactly the same aims as the members list, but aimed geographically at Yorkshire. It is open to any REVCOM member who is a part of one of the teams making up the Yorkshire REVCOM Council.

If there are any other groups of teams who would like their own mailing lists, drop me a line and I will set one up for you.

Mailing List Subscription

The form mentioned above will be available by the end of tomorrow (hopefully).